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Chapter 16. Forms, Get/Post, Action

11 Views Attributes Description accept-charset Determines which character encodings should be used for form submission. action Specifies the URL where the form data should be sent upon submission. autocomplete Controls whether the browser should enable or disable autocomplete for the form fields. enctype Defines how the form data should be encoded before sending it to […]
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Chapter 15. Images in HTML

12 Views Parameters Description src Specifies the URL of the image. srcset Provides images for different scenarios (e.g., high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc.). sizes Defines image sizes between breakpoints. crossorigin Determines how the element handles crossorigin requests. usemap Specifies the name of the image map to use. ismap Indicates whether the image is a server-side […]
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Chapter 14. Utilizing HTML in Conjunction with CSS

10 ViewsCSS enriches the presentation of HTML elements within a webpage. Inline styling, executed through the style attribute within tags, is generally discouraged. Internal stylesheets, facilitated by the <style> tag, allow for the declaration of rules pertinent to specific sections of the page. Additionally, external stylesheets can be incorporated via the <link> tag, linking to […]
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Chapter 13. Incorporating JavaScript in HTML

11 Views Attribute Specification src Specifies the path to a JavaScript file, either relative or absolute. type Defines the MIME type; mandatory in HTML4, optional in HTML5. async Executes the script asynchronously (for external scripts); no value required except in XHTML. defer Executes the script after page parsing is complete (for external scripts); no value […]
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Chapter 12. Resource Linking

13 ViewsAttribute Breakdown: Attribute Description charset Identifies the character encoding of the linked document. crossorigin Determines how the element handles requests from different origins. href Specifies the location of the linked document. hreglang Indicates the language used in the linked document’s text. media Specifies the device on which the linked document will be displayed, commonly […]
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Chapter 11. Data Attributes

15 ViewsCreated by Dhruv Mahant Last updated: yesterday at 4:51 PM 1 min readSee how many people viewed this page Value Description somevalue entry denotes the purpose of the attribute, specifying its value as a string. Compatibility with Older Browsers: Data attributes were introduced with HTML5, a standard widely supported by modern browsers. However, older browsers predating […]
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Chapter 10. IDs and Classes

12 Views Parameter Details class Indicates the class of the element (non-unique). id Indicates the ID of the element (unique in the same context). Classes and IDs simplify referencing HTML elements from scripts and stylesheets. The class attribute can be applied to one or more tags and is utilized by CSS for styling. However, IDs […]
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Chapter 9. Comments

12 ViewsSimilar to other programming, markup, and markdown languages, HTML comments serve to provide developers with development-specific information without impacting the user interface. However, unlike some other languages, HTML comments can be utilized to target HTML elements specifically for Internet Explorer. This section elucidates the process of crafting HTML comments and their practical applications. Section […]
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Chapter 8. Tables

11 ViewsThe <table> element in HTML empowers web creators to present tabular information, including text, images, links, and additional tables, in a structured format characterized by rows and columns of cells. Simple Table Format: <table> <tr> <th>Column 1, Row 1</th> <th>Column 2, Row 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td> Column1, Row 2</td> <td> Column2, Row 2</td> </tr> […]
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Chapter 7: Lists

13 ViewsHTML provides three methods for defining lists: ordered lists, unordered lists, and description lists. Ordered lists utilize ordinal sequences to signify the order of list items, unordered lists employ symbols like bullets to present items in no specific order, and description lists use indentation to display items alongside their descriptions. This topic elucidates the […]
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